Elevating Students To Success

Our Services

Every child deserves an educational experience that helps them excel – sometimes they just need a boost. Our therapists provide all the services required to be compliant with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), so your students can learn, grow, and thrive in school.

Physical Therapy

What Is School-Based Physical Therapy?
School-based physical therapy is intended to improve aspects of students’ movement and physical abilities that prevents them from receiving the same education as their peers.

Who Does School-Based Physical Therapy Benefit?
Physical therapy can benefit students who have difficulty navigating the school environment, such as the hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, etc. without help and students whose education is impeded by physical limitations.

Physical therapy is delivered through a series of exercises designed to address specific skill areas, including:

Occupational Therapy

What Is School-Based Occupational Therapy?
School-based occupational therapy helps students perform the day-to-day activities they struggle with due to disability or injury.

Who Does School-Based Occupational Therapy Benefit?
Students who have difficulty paying attention or lack the fine motor skills to complete day-to-day activities, such as using scissors or buttoning their shirt, are candidates for occupational therapy. It can also be recommended to students who are recovering from injury.

Occupational therapy can help develop a variety of skills, including:

Speech Therapy

What Is School-Based Speech Therapy?
School-based speech therapy improves communication in students who struggle with articulation and language disabilities. Speech therapy can help students learn to speak clearly and express themselves well enough to participate in class.

Who Benefits From School-Based Speech Therapy?
Students who have difficulty in forming speech sounds or communicating their needs are typically candidates for speech therapy. Difficulties in expressive or receptive language can lead to difficulties in reading and writing, so treatment is imperative for these cases.

Speech therapy is delivered through consistent practice of exercises, which can include:

ABA Therapy

What Is ABA Therapy?
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy is a form of therapy that can improve social and learning skills through positive reinforcement and a treatment plan designed around each child’s specific needs.

Who Benefits From ABA Therapy?
ABA therapy is most commonly used to treat children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but it can be used to treat a variety of other conditions, including eating disorders, anger issues, and borderline personality disorder.

ABA therapy can take many forms, depending on what’s best for the child, including:

Special Education

What Is Special Education?
Special education is any program, therapy, or resource that helps students with disabilities learn. It applies to the thirteen categories of disabilities covered by IDEA.

Who Benefits From Special Education?
Any student with a qualifying disability can access special education if they need it to succeed academically.

Special education looks different for every student, because it’s developed based on their unique needs. It can be administered in a variety of methods, including:


Comprehensive & Compassionate Care

Elevating Your Students to Success

Every student has a unique learning journey, that comes with its own individualized challenges. We give students the tools they need to overcome obstacles on their path to success, through a range of therapies and educational programs.

Reach out to us

[email protected]

101 Eisenhower Pkwy, Suite 300, Roseland, NJ 07068

© Boost Therapy, 2024

Supporting School, Elevating Students

The Attain-Boost Relationship

Boost Therapy is a division of Attain Therapies and operates and provides services under the Attain umbrella. Our joint leadership, management, resources, and clinical teams are combined to achieve our shared mission and objectives of supporting schools, enhancing academic success, and facilitating the holistic development of every student.